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Binge Binge is an independent food magazine. Journalistic at heart, it focuses on progressive, global narratives and alternative interpretations of food culture.They report and comment on food-centric news, start conversations about trends and the food habits of people, give experts the chance to share their knowledge, review restaurants, produce videos, profile cuisine, fictionalise food and also selectively recommend food experiences across the world. View the website: www.binge.co.in

Research We studied different offline and online publications and websites that cater to the growing food literature phenomenon. It was important to find a voice which is unexplored and authentic.

Visual Research While we spruced the internet for quality food literature, we indulged in some good old color theory extended in context with sensory design. The diagram below is by Michael Haverkamp in his book about multi-sensory design. It speaks about the relationship of colors and flavors.


Wireframes Having covered all our research we started brainstorming the various sections of the website and how they would flow between each other. We came up with a modular system that would be retro-fitted into different sections to create new pages.

Messaging After the wireframe development it was time to look into messaging and typography. Being a journalistic website, the design had to be content heavy. We came up with the solution to use a contemporary sans-serif Brown with age-old Garamond.

Interface & Interactions I delved into prototyping for the website using a mix of different tools namely Invision, Adobe Muse and Principle for interactions.


Mail hiteshsinghal4@gmail.com